Finding Rest in Christ

There is something special about alone time.

Getting out of the hustle and bustle of the world and just being alone. Unplugging so you can plug-in. Its interesting how even the most extraverted individuals still need time to focus in on the self and who God, in His image, made us to be.

As I have gotten further into my adventure on adulthood I have learned that I am much more introverted than I even really imagined I would be. I seem to get worn out from the most every day tasks if they mean that I am going to be around people. And yet at the same time. I am filled to my very top when I am around others. Interesting.

And as Christians, we desire to honor God and serving Him by sharing His word with others. Yet, that seems so far fetched when it takes all of your energy just to get through the work day, classes, or social events you are expected at.

But a wonderful gift I have found in the Bible is the God wants His children to have rest.

Mark 6:31 And He said to them. “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.” For many where coming and going and they had no leisure even to eat.

What a beautiful gift that God desires for us to rest. That even in His greatest commandment to go and share of His wonders He still desires rest for His children.

As I have come over verses in the bible that speak of rest I have come to realize that even in my greatest attempt to honor and please Him. I have failed to take time to “go off to desolate places and rest”. Sure I sleep at night, and yes I do my best to take time every day with Him. But am I really going off and intentionally resting? No. I am still smack dab In the middle of the hustle and bustle of life.

And that’s okay. We are called to go out into the world and make disciples. But darling, we are also called to rest.

A simple afternoon in a small bookstore in Geneva was a perfect getaway to leave me filled up for the rest of the week

Okay, so I have come to the conclusion that I am awful at resting. Now what?

Psalms 46 tells us to “be still” but oh how difficult it is the be still in the midst of the chaos of day to day life.

But maybe its just that. That yes we need to be able to find peace and rest In Christ no matter where we be physically. But we also need to go off and find peace in the peacefulness of going off into quiet places.

There are many times that Jesus goes off, both individually and prays to His Father. Are we not any different?

Okay maybe we cant go to a mountain top and pray. But we can go off to “desolate places”. For me, its looks like night time drives out to the country. With the intentionally purpose of prayer. Or finding a small coffee shop outside of my town were I can be by myself. Both to spend time in God word or even just to rest. To read a book, or go candle shopping. Maybe it looks like going on a walk or a hike in an area you wouldn’t usually be in your day to day life.

My January list of ways I would like to find rest within the next few weeks.

There is no set expectation of what that looks like. But God desires it for you.

Child, rest.

Because that’s the wonderful thing. That no matter how old and into “adulting” we think we are (and I say this as I JUST enter adulthood) we are still God beloved children. And just as a mother and father desire rest for their kids, God desires rest for His children.

Whom He loves oh so dearly.